2020年2月20日 星期四




  • 補救教學輔導成效紀錄表- 英文  (第一冊到第六冊適用)
  • 補救學輔導成效紀錄表- 餐飲英文 (第一冊到第六冊適用)

  • 補救教學學習單- 英文 (第一冊到第六冊適用)
  • 補救教學學習單- 餐飲英文 (第二冊到第四冊適用)

  • 補救教學空白頁格式- 英文 (第一冊到第六冊適用)
  • 補救教學空白頁格式- 餐飲英文 (第一冊到第六冊適用)




2020年2月18日 星期二

Clever Gretel 機智的葛蕾特

                       Clever Gretel
     One day, Mr. Peterson told his cook, Gretel, that a guest was coming over. He wanted her to roast two hens for them, so Gretel put two hens over a fire.

After a while, the hens turned brown. But Mr. Peterson’s guest hadn’t arrived yet. Gretel noticed that one of the wings was burning. “What a shame, “she said. She ate the wing so that it wouldn’t burn anymore.

A few hours went by. Mr. Peterson’s guest hadn’t arrived. She couldn’t even find Mr. Peterson “Perhaps they went somewhere else for dinner, “ Gretel said.

“Well, I’ve already started eating one of the hens,” she said “ I might as well finish it.” Gretel ate the rest of it. It was so delicious that she ate the second hen, too.

Suddenly, Gretel heard Mr. Peterson’s voice, “My guest is here! Let him in! “ Mr. Peterson ran to the dining room table and picked up a knife. He was hungry for a hen.

       Gretel ran to the front door. She whispered to the guest, “ You must leave ! “Mr. Peterson wants to cut off your ears ! “ This scared the guest, and he started running away.

       Then, Gretel went into the dining room and said, “ Mr. Peterson, your guest just ran away with both hens !” Mr. Peterson ran after him, but he forgot to put down the knife.
       Waving the knife in the air, Mr. Peterson yelled, “ I just want a hen ! “ But the guest was covering his ears with his hands. Meanwhile, clever Gretel went to bed with a full stomach.

(出自ABC 英語故事袋 -格林童話篇)









Dr. Knowall 萬事通大夫

                      Dr. Knowall
    Once ,there was a man named Crab. One day, Crab met a doctor. The doctor had good clothes and ate good food. “ I want to be a doctor, “ Crab thought.

      Crab asked if he could also be a doctor. “Of course, “ said the doctor. “ It’s very easy. First, get an ABC book. Then sell your things. Use the money to buy nice clothes. Finally, put a sign on your door. The sign must say Dr. knowall.”.

Crab did all of that. Soon, he was also a doctor. One day, a rich man came to Crab’s house. “Someone stole my money, “he said.” Please help me find it.”

“Ok,” said Crab. “My wife must come, too.” They went to the rich man’s house. First, they had dinner. When the servant gave them food, Crab said to his wife, “That’s the first one.” He was talking about the first part of the meal. However, the servant thought that Crab was talking about him.

Actually, the servant was the thief. He thought, “Oh no! The doctor knows! I must tell my friends !”

       When the second servant gave them food, Crab said, “That’s the second one. “ He was talking about the food again, but the servant didn’t know that. “Oh no, “ the servant thought.” He knows I also took the money.”
       The servants asked Crab to come outside. They showed Crab where the money was. ”We’ll give it back, “ they said. “Please don’t tell anyone. If you do, we’ll die. “

       Crab gave the money to the rich man. He didn’t tell him who stole it. After that, Crab became famous, and everyone called him Dr. knowall.

(出自ABC 英語故事袋 -格林童話篇)











Sleeping Beauty 睡美人

                     Sleeping Beauty
    Once upon a time, a king and queen had a precious baby girl. To celebrate, they invited all of their friends and some fairies to a big party.

      At the party, each of the fairies was giving the child magical gifts. Suddenly, an evil fairy appeared. “How dare you not invite me!” she shouted. “When this child turns fifteen, she shall prick her finger on a spindle and die!” Then the evil fairy disappeared.

Luckily, one fairy still had a gift to give. “Instead of dying,” she said, “the princess will sleep for one hundred years.”
The princess had no knowledge of the curse as she grew up. On her fifteenth birthday, she discovered a new tower in the castle. She climbed the narrow stairs and saw a dark room. Inside, an old woman sat at a spindle.

The princess didn’t know it was the evil fairy! The princess pointed to the spindle. “What is that thing ?” she asked as she lightly touched the spindle.

In an instant, the princess fell into a deep sleep. Soon after, everyone else in the castle fell asleep, too. They stayed this way for one hundred years!

Many years later, a prince was riding his horse in the forest. He came upon the silent castle and was curious. When he went inside, he was surprised that everyone in the castle was asleep.

       When the prince reached the top of the tower, he saw the sleeping princess. He thought she was very beautiful. Without thinking, the prince bent down and gave her a kiss. As his lips touched her, Sleeping Beauty opened her eyes and smiled at him.

After this, everyone including the king and queen woke up. The prince and Sleeping Beauty married soon after. They lived happily all of their lives.

(出自ABC 英語故事袋 -格林童話篇)









當王子走到高塔的頂端,他看到熟睡中的公主,覺得她美若天仙。不加思索,王 子便彎下身子親了公子一下。當他的嘴唇碰到公主時,睡美人張開她的眼睛,並對王子露出了微笑。


The Blue Light 藍燈

                     The Blue Light
     A long time ago, there was a soldier who served his king for many years. One day, the soldier was wounded. The king said, “You can no longer fight for me. I have to fire you.”

The soldier had no money, and he wandered for many days. Finally, he came upon a witch’s home. “Work for me, and I will feed you, “said the witch. She made the soldier work very hard.

One night, the witch said, “There is something at the bottom of my well. Go down and get it for me.” The soldier agreed. After all, what choice did he have ?

Down in the well, the soldier found a strange blue light. He was very curious. When the witch pulled him up, she said,” Hand over the light.” The soldier refused, so the witch dropped him back into the well.

Inside the well, a dwarf suddenly appeared.” I serve the owner of the blue light. What do you command ?” the soldier told the dwarf to bring the witch to court.

LATER, THE DWARF RETURNED. “The witch has been punished,” he said. He helped the soldier escape from the well and gave him many treasures.

The soldier bought new clothes and ate wonderful food. He said to the dwarf, “Bring the king’s daughter to serve me.”

       When the king learned of the soldier’s plan, he arrested the soldier. “You took my daughter, “ said the king. “ Now you have to die.”

       The soldier gestured and the dwarf appeared. “The king is evil, “ said the soldier. “Kill him .” The king cried out and begged for mercy. “I’ll give you everything, “he said. “just let me live.” And so the soldier became the new king and married the princess.

(出自ABC 英語故事袋 -格林童話篇)











The golden Goose 金鵝

                  The golden Goose
Once there were two brothers. The younger brother was named Dummling. Everyone said that Dummling was ugly and foolish.

     One day, Dummling ‘s older brother went into the forest to chop wood. He saw an old man, who said, ”Please give me some bread. “The older brother said,” No, if I do, I might die of hunger.”

     Later, Dummling went to chop wood. When the old men asked for food, Dummling gave it to him. “Thank you, “ said the old man. “  I will  give you a gift.” The old man gave Dummling a goose. It had shining, golden feathers.

     As Dummling left the forest, a rich woman saw his goose. “Those feathers look valuable,” she said. ”I want one.” When she grabbed a feather, her hand stuck to the goose. She couldn’t pull it away.

     Her servant shook the woman’s wrist and said, “What’s the matter ?” Now, the servant’s hand was stuck to the woman’s wrist, and the woman was stuck to the goose.

     A priest tried to free the girls, but his hand got stuck, too. Soon, ten people were stuck together. They followed Dummling through the town.

     Dummling and the others passed a castle. A princess lived upstairs in the castle’s tower. The princess was always very sad. The king said that if a man could make his daughter smile, that man could marry her.

     The princess heard shouting. She rushed to the window and saw a line of people. They were following a man with a golden goose. She thought this was funny and laughed out loud.

     The king thanked Dummling and allowed him to marry the princess. After the wedding, Dummling became the new king.

(出自ABC 英語故事袋 -格林童話篇)



後來鄧寧也砍柴那個老人向他要禮物鄧寧就給他了老人說:「謝謝我要送你一個禮物。」 老人給了鄧寧一隻鵝牠有著閃閃發亮的金羽毛







Three Silly Wishes 三個愚蠢的願望

                  Three Silly Wishes
     Three once lived a poor woodcutter. Even though he was very hardworking, he was always poor and unhappy. One day, he threw down his ax and shouted, “ I’m tired of life! work so hard, but none of my wishes ever come true. “

Suddenly, a tree spirit appeared in front of him. “ Poor woodcutter! “ said the spirit. “ Cheer up. I’m here to give you three wishes. You will get the next three things you wish for, no matter what they are.”

The woodcutter ran home to tell his wife. Right away, she began talking about all the things she wanted. “We should consider this carefully, though, said the woodcutter.” We must not waste these wishes.

The woodcutter got some wine and thought about his wishes. The wine was so good that he said to his wife, “I wish I had some yummy sausages to go with this wine! “Suddenly, several sausages floated into the room.

“You fool!” yelled his wife. “You could have wished for a kingdom, but you wished for sausages instead. You’re as stupid as a donkey!”

The woodcutter was very angry. Without thinking, he shouted, “ I wish these sausages were hanging from your nose !”

Suddenly, the sausages were really on his wife’s nose. They tried and tried, but they couldn’t pull them off. Finally, the woodcutter had to use his third wish to fix her nose. Now his wishes were all gone, but he could only blame himself!

(出自ABC 英語故事袋 -格林童話篇)




忽然間,有一個樹精出現在他面前。樹精:「可憐的樵夫阿!打起精神來,我來給你三個願望 無論是什麼,你接下來許的三個願望都會實現。」







2020年2月17日 星期一



The Three Little Pig 三隻小豬英文劇本













NARRATOR: The three little pigs lived with their mother.  Their names were Piggy 1, Piggy 2, and Piggy 3.  One day their mother said.

  MOTHER: Dear sons, you are now all grown up.  You need to find your own place to live in.

  PIGGY 1: Yes, mother, we are all grown up!.

 PIGGY 2:   We are going to find our own place to live in. 

 PIGGY 3:  Good-bye mother!.

 MOTHER: Good-bye, my sons… but be careful of the wolf.  The wolf likes to eat little pigs.  He is a bad wolf!.

 PIGGY 1, 2,  3: Yes, mother.  We will be careful of the bad wolf!

 NARRATOR: The three little pigs walked, and walked, and walked.  Finally, Piggy 1 saw a pile of straw and said.

 PIGGY 1: I am going to build my house here.  Good-bye, dear brothers!.

 PIGGY 2 AND 3: Good-bye, brother!.

 NARRATOR: Piggy 2 and 3 left, and a few hours later Piggy 1 finished building his own straw house.

  PIGGY 1: Mmm, my house is not strong, but I don´t care.  I like it anyway.  Now, I´m going to play.

 NARRATOR: Meanwhile Piggy 2 and 3 walked and walked.  Finally, Piggy 2 saw a pile of wood, and he said.

  PIGGY 2: I am going to build my house here.  Good-bye, brother!.

  PIGGY 3: Good-bye!.

  NARRATOR: Piggy 2 soon finished his house made of wood, and he said.

 PIGGY 2: Mmm, my house is not strong, but I don´t care.  I like it anyway.  Now, I´m going to play.

 NARRATOR: Meanwile, Piggy 3 walked and walked.  Finally, he saw a pile of bricks, and he said.

  PIGGY 3: I am going to build my house here.

 NARRATOR: He worked and worked until he finished his brick house, and then he said.

 PIGGY 3: I like my house.  My house is strong!.

 NARRATOR: One day the bad wolf knocked at the door of Piggy 1 house, and he said.

 WOLF: Little pig, little pig, let me come in!.

 PIGGY 1: I am not going to open the door.  Go away, bad wolf!.

 WOLF: Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in!.  You will see!.

 NARRATOR: The wolf huffed and puffed three times, and he blew the house in.  Then Piggy 1 ran and ran to Piggy 2 house.  He knocked at the door, and he said.

 PIGGY 1: Open the door!.  Open the door!.  The bad wolf is coming!.

 PIGGY 2: Come in quickly!.

 PIGGY 1: I am scared!.

 NARRATOR: Suddenly the bad wolf knocked at the door, and  he said.

  WOLF: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!.

 PIGGY 2: I am not going to open the door!.  Go away, bad wolf!.

 WOLF: Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in!.  You will see!.

 NARRATOR: The wolf huffed and puffed three times, and he blew the house in.  Then Piggy 1 and Piggy 2 ran and ran to Piggy 3 house.  They  knocked at the door, and they said.

 PIGGY 1: Open the door!.

 PIGGY 2:  The bad wolf is coming and we are scared!.

 PIGGY 1:  Open the door!.

 NARRATOR: Piggy 3 opened the door, and Piggy 1 and 2 hid under the bed.

 PIGGY 3: Don´t be scared!.  My house is strong.  The wolf can´t destroy my house.

 NARRATOR: Then they heard a knock at the door.

 WOLF: Little pig, little pig, let me come in!.

 PIGGY 3: I am not going to open the door!.  Go away, bad wolf!.

 WOLF: Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in!.  You will see!.

 NARRATOR: The wolf huffed and puffed but nothing happened.  He huffed and puffed again but he couldn´t destroy the house.

  PIGGY 3: Ha, ha, ha, ha, the wolf can´t destroy my house!.

 WOLF: I´m going up to the roof,  up to the roof, up to the roof!. I´m going down the chimney, down the chimney, down the chimney!.

 NARRATOR: Meanwhile, the three little pigs placed a pot of boiling water under the chimney, and the wolf screamed.

 WOLF: Ahhhhhhhh!.  It´s too hot!.  It hurts, it hurts!.

 NARRATOR: The wolf went out the door, and ran, and ran, and ran away.

 WOLF: I don´t want to eat those little pigs!.  No, no, no!